I am hungover, is this normal?

Yes. If you’re going to be hungover, best make it worth it by drinking mead.

What is mead?

We have a great section on this on our ‘how we make our mead’ page.

Why do you have a goat as your logo?

Why not? Goats are cool and if they could drink mead, they probably would. Be like a goat, be cool. 

How did you decide on the names for your mead?

A mix of Norwegian fairytales (Nøkken), animals we see in Norway and a healthy dose of Norwegian metal music (Heksebrann) from a band called Kvelertak.

Why are you called The Horrible Meadery?

The origins of our name come from one of the co-founders, Morgan and his online chess profile. He is known as the horrible chess player, so we decided to name the meadery in the same vein. Luckily, his mead making skills are better than his chess playing…